Thoughtful editorial and strategic support to bring intention, clarity, and purpose to your work. 

Editorial Services


Features and researched articles

Blogs, bylines, and white papers

Fundraising and non-profit communications

SEO writing and website content analysis



Developmental editor

Copy editor 


Sensitivity reader

Strategic Communications

Branding and message discovery

Fundraising and non-profit communications

Marketing content and campaign design

Working With Me

Career communicator with 20 years of experience in corporate, non-profit, and education. University of Denver Publishing Institute, book publishing, public relations and communications expertise. Independent trade houses and large global media companies. trade and textbooks, children’s and scholarly books, design and production specialists, sales reps and literary agents, editors, marketers and publishers. Chicago, AP Styles

OverDrive…digital, public libraries, k-12 


Let’s talk about your project. I can help make your work clear and crisp, author bold, original content, or design a messaging framework. Send me a quick note with your inquiry, and let me if anyone has referred you.